Saturday, March 19, 2011

Belly Fat Reduction Advice for Women

How to lose your tummy fat? That is the million dollar question! Understanding the secret of losing belly fat is the first step to achieving a lean and defined abdomen. All the stomach exercises in the World will not make your stomach flat if you do not burn the fat off first.

Many people accumulate some belly fat, especially after having children. This tummy fat is often called baby fat, and losing it can be very difficult for some people. If you are looking for advice on how to lose belly fat, follow these tips and tricks to help you lose love handles and extra flab.

Localized fat in the abdomen is a big problem for many women. Although men tend to have more fat around the waistline, what we call a beer belly, many women do develop a pot belly. Poor diet is always the cause – too much sugar and junk food. Emotional eating for women is like beer drinking for men. The small pleasures of life make us fat!

Losing your belly fat can a painful and slow but it is worth it. You will feel better, boost your self esteem and be healthier for it. Here are the main weight loss tricks that you need to follow to get a flat stomach. Not everyone wants solid ripped abs, but if you just want to lose some inches around the waist these fat loss secrets will help.

Take Control of Your Emotional Eating

Many women are victims of emotional eating. If you are feeling stressed at work you grab some chocolate and a coffee to calm down, if you have a difficult day at home the cookies and junk food comes out at night after the children have gone to bed.

If you are suffering a lot of stress you often you will not realise that you are eating until after you have finished. Emotional eating can increase your daily calorie intake by up to 50%.

How to stop? First, take control of the food situation in your home. Hide away your cookies, stop buying junk food, eat a healthy protein rich diet that curbs appetite. Also set yourself tasks.

If you feel like you really want to have a cookie, go for a 5 minute walk instead, or do some exercise for 10 minutes, have a shower, anything to take your mind off the food. Some you will re-program yourself so that your cravings diminish. However, as soon as you cave in again you will have to start again.
Only Eat Nutrient Rich Carbohydrates

Eat less refined carbohydrates and increase your low GI vegetable intake. High consumption of carbohydrates increases insulin levels which affects metabolism. Consumption of excess carbohydrates is quickly converted into fat.

Try having a balanced diet with a good mix of protein, carbohydrates and vegetables. Your source of protein should be the size of a deck of cards, carbohydrates the size of the palm and the majority of your meals should consist of low GI vegetables.

There are 2 new diet plans that both tackle the carbohydrate problem very well to help you lose weight:

* The Paleo Diet (also known as the Caveman Diet or Stone age Diet)
* The Dukan Diet

Stop Drinking Alcohol

I’m sure most people know that alcohol can cause weight gain, but I’m sure they do not know the magnitude of the effect that alcohol can cause. Alcohol in excess can actually increase the size of the stomach.

Most alcoholic drinks are full of energy in the form of carbohydrate and sugar. As soon as alcohol enters your system you stop burning fat.
Do Intensive Exercise and Weight Training

The quickest way to lose belly fat is to combine exercise with a good diet. Aim to exercise at least 3 time per week for 30 minutes, although it would be best to workout 5 times per week.

This may not seem a lot, but you must ensure that all of your exercise workouts are intensive. If you are not sweating and panting after 5 minutes then you are not working hard enough.

Weight training is an excellent way to burn off tummy fat and boost your metabolism, and it is certainly not just for men. For some more ideas on how to exercise to lose weight read our Truth About Six Pack Abs Review.
5 Day Per Week Fitness Routine

* Monday: Intensive Cardio Routine on a Cross Trainer, Exercise Bike, Rowing Machine or jogging/sprinting. This intensive cross training workout is ideal.
* Tuesday: Weight Training. Perform squats, bench press, shoulder press, dips and tricep extensions.
* Wednesday: Gentle exercise such as yoga, swimming or Pilates. Toning and stretching.
* Thursday: Intensive Cardio Routine
* Friday: Rest
* Saturday: Weight Training. Perform pull ups, chin ups, inverted rows, dumbbell curls and dumbbell rows
* Sunday: Rest

Motivation, Willpower and Success

Losing your belly fat and getting a slim and well defined abdomen is a long-term goal for most people, so persevere and not give up. By organizing a weekly routine it becomes easier to follow and after a while it becomes natural for you to get out and exercise.

Remember the 8 secrets to success which apply to weight loss as well as business. Find a female friend to exercise with – research recently showed that women who exercise with friends lose more weight.

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